b'Combating Excess Waste in ParadiseW aste management is a massive issue forFounded in 1920, the Institut Teknologi Bandung the Oceanic nation of Indonesiathejoined the efforts working towards the MASARO second largest contributor to ocean plastic(Manajemen Sampah Zero) Zero Waste Project.behind China. It is estimated that nearly 5,000 tonsThe projects set goal is to address the waste of plastic per day are dumped into Indonesian riversproblem in the Pondok Pesantren Babakan and oceans. In 2018, the pollution reached alarmingeducation complex, home to about 10,000 students levels and the Indonesian army was deployed toand 3,000 local villagers.remove plastic waste from the river in Bandung. SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and ProductionTarget 12.5: Substantially reduce waste generationcafamerica.orgPAGE48'