b'REGIONS: RUSSIA & CENTRAL ASIAThe level of support provided to health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4), as well as decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) cumulatively amounts to more than 80% of the funding in the area. Due to the significant funding directed to decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) in 2019, this goal made it to the top 5 most supported SDGs in the area.TOP 5 SDGsCHANGE IN TOP 5 SDGs 2016 - 2019 YEAR OVER YEAR2016 2017 2018 2019GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (35.61%)QUALITY EDUCATION (25.79%)DECENT WORKAND ECONOMIC GROWTH (22.73%)NO POVERTY (8.87%)REDUCED INEQUALITIES (7.00%)BREAKDOWN OF CONTRIBUTIONS BY SOURCEAVERAGE GRANT$59,700.15 CORPORATIONS FOUNDATIONS INDIVIDUALS66.55% 6.33% 27.12%SIZEINDUSTRY $25 - $75BILLIONYEARS INDOMESTIC vs BUSINESSSDG WITH LARGEST HEALTHCARE MULTINATIONAL 0 - 50INCREASE IN SUPPORT MULTINATIONAL YEARS2016 vs 2019PAGE43THE SDG GIVING LANDSCAPE'