b'REGIONS: EUROPEThe SDG landscape in Europe is greatly determined by CAF Americas corporate donors support for education and healthcare-related research. Another driving contributor to the landscape is a significant increase in the number of individual donors participating in online fundraising campaigns. Despite the lack of spotlight, Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) has experienced the most extensive growth in the four years of monitoring.It should be noted that a portion of the funding represented in this section supports programs of European organizations taking place outside of Europe.TOP 5 SDGsCHANGE IN TOP 5 SDGs 2016 - 2019 YEAR OVER YEAR2016 2017 2018 2019QUALITY EDUCATION (25.21%)GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (23.04%)SUSTAINABLE CITIESAND COMMUNITIES (13.30%)INDUSTRY, INNOVATIONAND INFRASTRUCTURE (7.26%)LIFE ON LAND (4.88%)BREAKDOWN OF CONTRIBUTIONS BY SOURCEAVERAGE GRANTCORPORATIONS FOUNDATIONS INDIVIDUALS$13,761.28 42.33% 16.66% 41.01%SIZEINDUSTRY $75+BILLIONYEARS INDOMESTIC vs BUSINESSFINANCIAL MULTINATIONAL 100+SDG WITH LARGEST SERVICES MULTINATIONAL YEARSINCREASE IN SUPPORT2016 vs 2019PAGE37THE SDG GIVING LANDSCAPE'