b'REGIONS: SOUTH AMERICAMost notably, the SDG landscape in this region portrays a wide variety of SDGs impacted through the giving monitored in this report. Two of the top 5 SDGs emerging in this regionDecent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8) and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9)are not represented in the overall top 5 SDGs. TOP 5 SDGsCHANGE IN TOP 5 SDGs 2016 - 2019 YEAR OVER YEAR2016 2017 2018 2019ZERO HUNGER (32.16%)QUALITY EDUCATION (16.17%)LIFE ON LAND (7.29%)DECENT WORKAND ECONOMIC GROWTH (7.21%)INDUSTRY, INNOVATIONAND INFRASTRUCTURE (6.97%)BREAKDOWN OF CONTRIBUTIONS BY SOURCEAVERAGE GRANT$11,744.26 CORPORATIONS FOUNDATIONS INDIVIDUALS86.34% 5.77% 7.88%SIZEINDUSTRY $75+BILLIONYEARS INDOMESTIC vs BUSINESSSDG WITH LARGEST AGRICULTURE MULTINATIONAL 100+INCREASE IN SUPPORT MULTINATIONAL YEARS2016 vs 2019PAGE35THE SDG GIVING LANDSCAPE'